Our Young People
Who do we look after?
Pathfinders specialises in caring for more volatile orvulnerable young people, those who pose a specific risk tothemselves and/ or the community, whose placements elsewherehave broken down or are at risk of permanent exclusion.
Children and young people placed at Pathfinders would bebest described by some or all of the following characteristics:
• Anti social behaviour
• ADHD/ other behavioural disorders
• Self neglect / Self harming
• History of CSE, sexual abuse, sexualized behaviours & risk to others
• Absconding and Criminal behaviours
• Violence, aggression & harm to others.
• Non engagement of carers and other professionals
• Release from Custody
• Young Mothers
• Non engagement in Education
Pathfinders have had considerable experience in developing working partnerships and liaising with multiple professional agencies.
We have also worked with young people released from Secure Psychiatric Provision as well as individuals who have been released from Secure Welfare Safety placements and Prison custodial sentences.
The consequence to this is that we have achieved some outstanding outcomes for young people who are / have been at serious risk of CSE and / or likely to display elements of extreme challenging behaviours, aggression or sexual deviance / risk to others